




發(fā)布日期:[ 2014年8月5日 ] 共閱[ 3288 ]次


1、不銹鋼反應(yīng)釜的材料:與物料接觸部分均采用304或316L等優(yōu)質(zhì)不銹鋼制造,符合GMP標(biāo)準(zhǔn)?! ?br /> 2、不銹鋼反應(yīng)釜的配件:攪拌形式多用框式攪拌,確保物料在短時(shí)間內(nèi)均勻調(diào)和;同時(shí)可根據(jù)需要選用框式、錨式、漿式等?! ∶芊獠捎眯l(wèi)生級(jí)機(jī)械密封,可以保證罐內(nèi)的壓力及防止罐內(nèi)物料泄漏而造成不必要的污染;接口采用ISO標(biāo)準(zhǔn)快裝卡箍式,方便衛(wèi)生;  無(wú)菌呼吸器,CIP清洗噴頭、視鏡、法蘭、衛(wèi)生快開(kāi)人孔等?! ?br /> 3、不銹鋼反應(yīng)釜的表面處理:內(nèi)表面采用鏡面拋光,確保無(wú)衛(wèi)生死角,全封閉的設(shè)計(jì)確保物料始終處于無(wú)菌狀態(tài),外表面可選噴砂、磨砂、冷軋?jiān)珌喒馓幚??! ?br /> 4、加熱冷卻:加熱方式可選蒸汽、電加熱、導(dǎo)熱油,以滿足耐酸、耐堿、耐高溫、耐磨蝕、抗腐蝕等不同工作環(huán)境的工藝需要。



stainless steel reactor: a rapid heating, high temperature resistant, corrosion resistant, sanitation, no pollution, no automatic boiler heating, use convenient wait for a characteristic, widely used in petroleum, chemical, rubber, pesticide, dye, medicine, food, to complete vulcanization, nitration, hydrogenation, alkylation, polymerization, condensation process, is to fully mix in the reaction material as the premise, for heating, cooling, and liquid extraction and gas absorption physical change process are the stirring device to get good results, and customers can design, processing of outer pipe reactor.

structure and properties of stainless steel reactor: the main equipment consists of a tank body, a clamping sleeve, stirring system consists of three parts. 1, stainless steel reactor materials: contact with the material is made with 304 or 316L stainless steel, meet the GMP standard. 2, stainless steel reactor parts: mixing form multi frame type stirring, to ensure that the material in a short period of time evenly mixed; at the same time, can choose according to the needs of frame type, anchored, slurry type etc.. Sealed with the health level of mechanical seal, can guarantee the pressure tank to prevent tank leakage and causing unnecessary pollution; interface uses the standard ISO fast clamp, convenient health; asepsis respirator, CIP cleaning nozzle, mirror, flange, sanitary quick open manhole. Surface treatment: 3, stainless steel reactor inner surface of the mirror polishing, to ensure that no dead angle, closed design to ensure material in a sterile state, the outer surface of sandblasting, grinding, cold color optional Yaguang processing. 4, heating and cooling: optional steam heating, electric heating, heat conducting oil, to meet the needs of process of acid and alkali resistance, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, corrosion resistance and other different work environment.

enamel reactor: enamel reactor is contains high silica glass, steel lining on the inner surface of the container, after the high temperature ignition and firm adherence to the surface of a metal composite products. Therefore, the dual advantages of stability and strength of metal with glass, is a kind of excellent corrosion resistant equipment. Has been widely used in chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, pesticide, food industry etc..

specification of enamel reactor: the use of pressure, acid resistance, alkali resistance, temperature, thickness of porcelain, pressure resistance, impact resistance, how to prevent enamel loss and remodeling of enamel.


